The Smithsonian Institution

Seed Dispersal by Frugivores on Barro Colorado Island, Panama

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Version 2 2024-12-17, 22:41
Version 1 2024-11-25, 23:21
posted on 2024-12-17, 22:41 authored by Noelle G. Beckman, Gerald F. Schneider, Binod Borah, Brynn Harshbarger

The majority of woody plant species on Barro Colorado Island (BCI) are dispersed by animals. We review research relevant to understanding the processes and consequences of seed dispersal on BCI, focusing on primary seed dispersal by animals. We first review patterns of primary seed dispersal and then discuss studies that quantify the effectiveness of dispersal by primates, bats, and ants. The wealth of information from research conducted on BCI has provided insights into the patterns, mechanisms, and consequences of seed dispersal. Future research integrating movement ecology, chemical ecology, seed dispersal effectiveness, and mechanistic models can help advance our understanding of the role of seed dispersal for plant population dynamics and biodiversity.



  • Open Monographs

Volume Number


Publication date



Smithsonian Institution; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute


Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press

Book Title

The First 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado: Plant and Ecosystem Science