The Smithsonian Institution

2023 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Version 5 2024-06-17, 19:10
Version 4 2023-07-05, 16:05
Version 3 2023-04-11, 14:09
Version 2 2023-03-23, 14:01
Version 1 2023-02-06, 18:58
posted on 2023-07-05, 16:05 authored by Ximena Boza NoriegaXimena Boza Noriega, Viviana D. Bravo, Carolina I Cesar, Roy RichRoy Rich, Selina ChengSelina Cheng, Michael LonnemanMichael Lonneman, Rachel CollinRachel Collin

2023 water quality data collected on a YSI EXO2 multiparameter sonde at the MarineGEO Bocas del Toro observatory (Bocas del Toro Research Station, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama).

The figshare resource also contains quality control metadata to assist interpretation and analysis. Review the "readme.txt" file for more information. QAQC is on-going, and this resource will be updated monthly. 

Location: 9.350822, -82.257853

