Version 2 2023-03-29, 15:13Version 2 2023-03-29, 15:13
Version 1 2023-02-14, 21:51Version 1 2023-02-14, 21:51
posted on 2023-03-29, 15:13authored byMichael CampanaMichael Campana, André Corvelo, Jennifer Shelton, Taylor E. Callicrate, Karen L. Bunting, Bridget Riley-Gillis, Frank Wos, Justin DeGrazia, Erich D. Jarvis, Robert C. Fleischer
This repository provides the annotations and genome assemblies generated in Campana et al. (2020). The de novo ‘akiapōlā‘au assembly is provided in file Aki.fa.gz, with its gene predictions in Aki_augustus_all.gff.gz. The Augustus predictions for the Callicrate et al. (2014) Hawai‘i ‘amakihi genome is given Ama_v1_augustus_all.gff.gz. The ‘akiapōlā‘au-realigned Hawai‘i ‘amakihi consensus sequence and gene predictions are in Ama_v2.fa.gz and Ama_v2_augustus_all.gff.gz respectively. Predicted protein sequences for these annotations are in the files with "_proteins.faa.gz" appended to the end. The InterProScan predictions for the three datasets are provided in the InterProScan-5.33-72.0.tgz file.
Smithsonian Institution
National Science Foundation (grant numbers 1547168, 1717498)