The Smithsonian Institution
Metadata Lang-Knight Plot.docx (46.45 kB)
LangKnight_1968_1978_1984_stemfile.txt (540.07 kB)
LangKnight_2000_2014_treefile_fixed.txt (329.82 kB)
LangKnight_1968to2014_treefile_fixed.txt (626.45 kB)
4 files

Chapter 06 - Dynamics of a late-stage secondary forest on Barro Colorado Island. Supplement 1. - Census data from 1968 through 2014 for the Lang-Knight plot.

posted on 2024-03-21, 22:29 authored by Joseph Yavitt, Gerald E. Lang, Dennis H. Knight, S. Joe Wright

Full census data for the Lang-Knight plot at Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The 1.5-ha plot supported forest that was approximately 90 years old when the first census took place in 1968 and approximately 135 years old when the fifth census took place in 2014. The metadata describes methods and defines all variables in the census data files.

The following publication describes changes in forest structure, dynamics, and composition for the Lang-Knight plot between 1968 and 2014 and provides further description of methods: Yavitt, J. B., G. E. Lang, D. H. Knight, and S. J. Wright. 2024. Dynamics of a Late-Stage Secondary Forest on Barro Colorado Island. In The First 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado: Plant and Ecosystem Science, ed. H. C. Muller-Landau and S. J. Wright: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington, DC.
