The Smithsonian Institution

Chapter 19 - Long-term census of seedlings and small saplings in the Barro Colorado Island 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot, Panama. Data Set S1 -  Species encountered across 14 censuses of 18,434 1-m2 seedling plots between 2001 and 2018 in the Barro Colorado Island 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot, Panama.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 18:23 authored by Liza Comita

Species encountered across 14 censuses of 18,434 1-m2 seedling plots between 2001 and 2018 in the Barro Colorado Island 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot, Panama. The following article describes the data set: Comita, L. S., R. P. Dougherty, S. Aguilar, and R. Perez. 2024. Long-Term Census of Seedlings and Small Saplings in the Barro Colorado Island 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot, Panama. In The First 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado: Plant and Ecosystem Science, ed. H. C. Muller-Landau and S. J. Wright, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.

Variable definitions follow:

Code - a six-letter mnemonic to identify species. *Indicates an unverified species or morphospecies (identity confirmed only to genus or family level). ^Indicates seedling could not be identified to any level.

Species - full Latin binomial (NA indicates not known; "sp." indicates identification to genus only)

Family - plant family (NA indicates not known)

Growthform - L = liana, S = shrub, U = understory tree, M = midstory tree, T = canopy tree.

Count - Number of individuals across all censuses

Plot_percent - Percentage of 18,434 1-by-1 m plots where species was present in at least one census.


U.S. National Science Foundation grants no. 0075102, 0823728, 0640386, 1242622, 1464389, and 1845403


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