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Data and Code: Methane Reduction Potential of Tidal Wetland Restoration

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posted on 2023-07-31, 22:04 authored by James HolmquistJames Holmquist, Meagan Eagle, Rebecca Lee Molinari, Sydney K Nick, Liana C Stachowicz, Kevin D. Kroeger

This repository contains code and data files for a publication titled: Mapping Methane Reduction Potential of Tidal Wetland Restoration in the United States.

The zip file contains a replicable R workflow that can be implemented using 'Mapping_CONUS_Blue_Carbon_NCS.Rproj' to organize the working directory.

scripts: contains 'Python' and 'R' scripts. 'R' scripts or organized into two subfolders: 'analysis' and 'figures', those that are used for analyses presented in the paper, and for creating the figures respectively.

Scripts within the 'figures' folder are named by the figure in the text they correspond to.

Names of scripts within 'analysis' are self-descriptive, and numbered in order they are described in the materials and methods section of the paper. They need to be run in order since some are dependent on the outputs of others.

data: contains CSV and spatial data of intermediate working and finalized files used in the analysis. The 'scripts' folder both reads from and writes to the 'data' folder.

figs: contains a folder to which 'scripts' will write files.


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