Dataset - Three neotropical bird species shift nest-site preferences from swollen-thorn acacias to other sites in human-altered habitats
The Excel file includes four datasheets.
· #Nests_trees: refers to the observed number of bird nests by tree species in the different habitats. It also includes nests placed on electrical wires or electricity poles. The spreadsheet includes the expected number of nests, calculated from the proportional abundance at each habitat, and the standardized residuals (standardized difference between observed and expected values)
· #Nests_ants: it includes the number of bird nests on swollen-thorn acacias (Vachellia collinsii), and the ant species nesting inhabiting it, and separated by the sampled habitats.
· Tree_abundance includes the number of trees by habitat of the 15 species where at least one of the three birds of interest nested on. All other censused trees are in the category "Other".
· Acacia-ant_abundance includes the number of ant-species by habitat that were associated with an acacia tree in which were at least one bird nest of interest.