The Smithsonian Institution

Dataset: Carbon stocks and environmental driver data for blue carbon ecosystems along the Pacific coast of North America

posted on 2025-01-17, 19:42 authored by Christopher N. Janousek, Johannes Renke Krause, Judith Z. Drexler, Kevin J. Buffington, Katrina L. Poppe, Erin K. Peck, Maria Fernanda Adame, Elizabeth B. Watson, James HolmquistJames Holmquist, Scott D Bridgham, Scott F Jones, Melissa Ward, Cheryl A. Brown, Lisa Beers, Matthew T. Costa, Heida L. Diefenderfer, Amy B. Borde, Lindsey Sheehan, John M Rybczyk, Carolyn Prentice, Andrew B. Gray, Alejandro Hinojosa-Corona, Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernández, Joan-Albert Sanchez-Cabeza, Karen E Kohfeld, Paula Ezcurra, Jonathan Ochoa-Gómez, Karen M. Thorne, Marlow G Pellatt, Aurora M. Ricart, Amanda M. Nahlik, Laura S. Brophy, Richard F. Ambrose, Mira Lutz, Craig Cornu, Steve Crooks, Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Margot Hessing-Lewis, Fredrick T. Short, Stephen Chastain, Trevor Williams, Tristan J. Douglas, Elizabeth Fard, Lauren Brown, Michelle Goman

This data release contains carbon stocks data and down-core profiles of bulk density and organic matter or carbon content for 1284 sediment cores from blue carbon ecosystems along the Pacific coast of North America compiled from 69 data sources. Ecosystem types are tideflats, seagrass meadows, emergent marsh, mangroves, and tidal swamps. In addition to carbon data, the data release includes metadata on each of the 69 data sources, the geographic positions and standardized tidal elevation (z*) of sediment cores, and core-level environmental data such as ecoregion, Köppen-Geiger climate zone, sediment grain size data, and vegetation type. These data form the basis for the publication: Janousek et al. (2025), “Blue carbon stocks along the Pacific coast of North America are mainly driven by local rather than regional factors”.


National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative

NOAA, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

The Pew Charitable Trusts


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