This dataset accompanies the published paper Mueller et al. (2020) in the journal Nature Communications. We determined methane emissions from field-based mesocosms exposed to different global-change treatments (i.e. sea-level rise, elevated CO2, eutrophication) in two so-called marsh-organ experiments. Methane emissions from field-based mesocosms were compared to emissions from the adjacent field site. The studies were conducted at the Smithsonian Global Change Research Wetland (, a mesohaline, microtidal wetland site on Rhode River, a sub-estuary of the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, United States). Additional data include plant-species composition, various plant-biomass parameters, and soil redox data.
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) PRIME fellowship to Peter Mueller
Maryland Sea Grant (SA7528082, SA7528114-WW)
National Science Foundation Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology Program (DEB-0950080, DEB-1457100, DEB-1557009)
US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research Program (DE-SC0014413 and DE-SC0019110)