Monthly Summary_BCI, Vertical
Monthly and daily summary from Barro Colorado Island (BCI). Data organized in vertical format for long-term trend analysis
Location 9°9'42.36"N, 79°50'15.67"WLutz catchment is a 9.73ha protected watershed on BCI. The Lutz tower was built in 1972 and was originally 42m. In 2002 it was increased to 48mThe data from 48m should be considered a separate data series from the data at 42m. Wind speed is significantly higher at 48m due to the distance to the top of the canopy. The Clearing is a small, open area surrounded by forest and some buildings. Station established in 1972. Consists of a Stevenson screen with max/min thermometers and air pressure sensor. Temperature/humidity sensor, rain gauge and evaporation sensors are located at various locations around the screen.
Parameters: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, sea surface temperature, solar radiation (pyranometer), air pressure, soil moisture, runoff, potential evapotranspiration, wet/dry season starting dates