The Smithsonian Institution
soy pilot_2018_common garden_treatments.csv (6.69 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_env data.csv (8.12 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_growth.csv (93.82 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_herbivory.csv (262.72 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_insects.csv (8.36 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_pods.csv (11.76 kB)
soy pilot_2018_common garden_bean weight.csv (6.42 kB)
7 files

Soybean growth, yield, and insect resistance in response to rhizobial diversity and drought

posted on 2022-12-02, 18:33 authored by Kimberly KomatsuKimberly Komatsu, Nicole Esch, Kathryn Bloodworth, John Parker, Jamie Pullen


File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_treatments.csv

File Description: Treatments associated with soybean plants grown in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a pot containing a single soybean plant.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed that each plant was grown in (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

treatment: A numeric identifier for each combination of rhizobial diversity and drought treatments.

strains: Which rhizobial strains were inoculated into the pot (1=USDA 110; 2=USDA 76; 3=USDA 136; 4=USDA 138).

diversity: Number of rhizobial strains inoculated into the pot.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

USDA_110: Whether the pot was inoculated with strain USDA 110 (1) or not (0).

USDA_76: Whether the pot was inoculated with strain USDA 76 (1) or not (0).

USDA_136: Whether the pot was inoculated with strain USDA 136 (1) or not (0).

USDA_138: Whether the pot was inoculated with strain USDA 138 (1) or not (0).

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_env data.csv

File Description: Instantaneous measurements of environmental variables measured within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a raised bed on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed_num: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

soil_moisture: Instantaneous percent soil moisture values measured using a handheld TDR probe. A value of 9999 indicates soil moisture was not measured on a given date.

pole1_temp: Infrared temperature measurement (°C) taken on the first of two PVC poles mounted within the raised bed on a given date.

pole2_temp: Infrared temperature measurement (°C) taken on the second of two PVC poles mounted within the raised bed on a given date.

date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) and time (24:00) that the measurements were taken.

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_growth.csv

File Description: Soybean plant growth variable measured within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a single soybean plant on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

height_cm: Plant height in cm. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

num_leaves: Number of leaflets per plant. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

num_rabbit_herb: Number of stems clipped by a rabbit during an herbivory event. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

num_flowers: Number of flowers. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

num_pods: Number of pods (includes all stages of development). A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the measurements were taken.

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_herbivory.csv

File Description: Rates of herbivory measured on soybean plants within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a single soybean plant on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

perc_herbivory: Percent leaf tissue removed by a chewing herbivore estimated for the whole plant on a given date. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

percent_rust: Percent of leaf tissue infected by rust for the whole plant on a given date. A value of 9999 indicates the variable was not measured on a given date.

date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the measurements were taken.

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_insects.csv

File Description: Insects identified on soybean plants within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a single soybean plant on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

Aphids: Number of aphids counted per plant on a given date. Numbers were estimated to the nearest 50 for values greater than 100.

Large_Ants: Number of large ants counted per plant on a given date.

Small_Ants: Number of small ants counted per plant on a given date.

Predator_Spider: Number of spiders counted per plant on a given date.

Predator_Ladybug: Number of lady bugs counted per plant on a given date.

Recorder: The initials of the person making the observation (KL: Kim Komatsu; KB: Kathryn Bloodworth; JP: John Parker). Plants where multiple recorders were listed were calibration plants used to ensure consistency across the measurers.

date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the measurements were taken.

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_pods.csv

File Description: Pod variables recorded during harvest for soybean plants within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a single soybean plant on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

total_pods: Number of pods per plant across all states (sum of green, brown, and aborted pods).

green_pods: Number of green pods per plant.

brown_pods: Number of brown pods per plant.

aborted_pods: Number of aborted pods per plant. Aborted pods were defined as those that were shriveled.

total_beans: Number of beans across all pods within each plant (sum of healthy, damaged, and aborted beans).

healthy_beans: Number of healthy beans across all pods within each plant. Healthy beans were defined as those that were not damaged or aborted.

damaged_beans: Number of damaged beans across all pods within each plant. Damaged beans were defined as those that were wafers.

aborted_beans: Number of healthy beans across all pods within each plant. Healthy beans were defined as those that were not damaged or aborted.

harvest_date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the measurements were taken.

File Name: soy pilot_2018_common garden_bean weight.csv

File Description: Pod variables recorded during harvest for soybean plants within raised bed plots in a common garden pot experiment at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in 2018. Each row represents a single soybean plant on a given date.

Column Descriptions:

bed: The raised bed where temperature was being measured (equates to blocks).

plant: The plant identification number.

warming: Whether the pot experienced ambient temperatures and well watered conditions (0) or was warmed roughly 3 °C above ambient temperatures for the entire growing season and droughted for 2 weeks in July (1).

bean_weight_g: Weight of all beans for each plant in grams.

number_bags: Number of bags across which the beans are stored.

date: The date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the measurements were taken.


USDA 2019-67013-29139

NSF REU 1659668
