The Smithsonian Institution

Tree mortality, growth and liana infestation on Barro Colorado Island

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posted on 2024-04-30, 19:58 authored by S. Joseph WrightS. Joseph Wright
The Barro Colorado Island Tree Reproduction Dataset can be found in BCITreeGrowthSurvival.csv, a csv text file containing the data records on seed production described above. The dataset contains the following labels (columns): spcode = species code family = taxonomic family species = latin species name tag = unique id for individual trees. Corresponds to metal tags attached to individual trees in each 4ha plot or the 50-ha FDP census (data DOI: 10.5479/data.bci.20130603). year = year in which lianas scores were recorded. census = referring to the plot, either Tow (towerplots) or Ing (referring to the census by Ingwell et al. 2010 in the 50 ha plot). dbh1,2 = diameter of tree in mm at 1.3 meters height or above buttresses at time point 1 (2005 for trees from the Ingwell et al. census in the 50-ha FDP see dataset, and 2003-2004 for Tower plot trees) and time point 2 (2010 for Ingwell et al. census and 2014 for the towerplots). liana = five-point scale for liana load in the first census with zero indicating a liana free tree and scores 1 - 4 indicating trees with 1-25%, 26-50%, 51-75% and 76-100% of the crown bearing lianas. status = status of the tree at the second measurement, scored as alive (A) or dead (D). References 1.Condit, R. (1998). Tropical Forest Census Plots. Springer-Verlag and R. G. Landes Company, Berlin, Germany, and Georgetown, Texas 2.Visser, M.D., Bruijning, M., Wright, S.J., Muller-Landau, H. C. Jongejans, E., Comita, L.S. & de Kroon, H. (2016). Functional traits as predictors of vital rates across the life-cycle of tropical trees. Funct. Ecol., 30, 168–180 3.Visser, M.D., Wright, S.J., Muller-Landau, H. C. Jongejans, E., Comita, L.S., de Kroon, H. & Schnitzer, S. (2017). Tree species vary widely in their tolerance for liana infestation: a case study of differential host response to generalist parasites. J. Ecol., in press 4.Wright, S.J., Jaramillo, M.A., Pavon, J., Condit, R., Hubbell, S.P. & Foster, R.B. (2005). Reproductive size thresholds in tropical trees: variation among individuals, species and forests. J. Trop. Ecol., 21, 307–315


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