Yearly climate summaries for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Physical Monitoring Program Punta Culebra Nature Center Station, located on Naos Island in the Rep. of Panama. The station was established in 2002. Located near the southern tip of Culebra Point (8.910718°N, -79.528919°)
The PCNC occupies a territory of approximately 1 1/2 hectares and offers visitors an open-air museum focusing mainly on marine science and education, conservation and interpretation of marine coastal environments. In addition to the surrounding marine environment, the PCNC also has one of the few remain patches of tropical dry forest in the area.
The station consists of a standard 6m triangular tower that was erected in March of 2010. In addition, a manual rain gauge located at the entrance to the PCNC has been in operation since July of 2004.