The Smithsonian Institution
4 files

(16s) No 3. Diversity (16s rRNA) Output

posted on 2020-08-15, 17:48 authored by Jarrod ScottJarrod Scott
Output files from the No 3. Diversity Workflow page of the Bocas Hypoxia study.

File names and descriptions:

16s-water.rdata: contains all variables and phyloseq objects from the pipeline. To see the Objects, in R run load("16s-water.rdata", verbose=TRUE)

ps_water.rds: Phyloseq object where NA ranks renamed by next named rank.
ps_water_o.rds: Phyloseq object with original NA ranks.
ps_water_ox.rds: Same Phyloseq object as ps_water_o.rds but with sample oxygen states added.
