The Smithsonian Institution

(Arabic translation) توسيع حماية المحيطات والسلام- نافذة على دبلوماسية العلم في الخليج

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Version 4 2024-06-27, 17:34
Version 3 2024-06-24, 16:20
Version 2 2024-06-03, 20:32
Version 1 2024-06-03, 02:52
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-27, 17:34 authored by Mohammad Al Mukaimi, Clare FieselerClare Fieseler, Nicholas PyensonNicholas Pyenson

This Word document is an Arabic language translation of Fieseler et al. (2023, full reference below), which was published open access (under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0) in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

This translation was created by Dr. Mohammad Al Mukaimi (Marine Science Department, Marine Science Center, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University) in 2024.

Full reference of the original reference published in English:

Fieseler Clare M., Al-Mudaffar Fawzi Nadia, Helmuth Brian, Leitão Alexandra, Al Ainsi Mehsin, Al Mukaimi Mohammad, Al-Saidi Mohammad, Al Senafi Fahad, Bejarano Ivonne, Ben-Hamadou Radhouan, D'Addario Josh, Mujthaba Dheen Mohamed Ahmad, Giraldes Bruno W., Glowka Lyle, Johnson Maggie D., Lyons Brett P., Mateos-Molina Daniel, Marshall Christopher D., Mohammed Sayeed, Range Pedro, Reza Shokri Mohammad, Wong John M. K. and Pyenson Nicholas D. 2023. "Expanding ocean protection and peace: a window for science diplomacy in the Gulf." R. Soc. Open Sci. 10230392
