Elevation and Vegetation Data for the Global Change Research Wetland, Summer 2016


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The Global Change Research Wetland (GCReW) is one of the most intensively studied tidal wetlands systems in the world, with the majority of the previous research spent on two native functional groups of plants (C3 sedges and C4 grasses) and the invasive reed Phragmites australis. These previous studies have been concentrated in clusters of long-term study plots which make up a relatively small and non-representative portion of a larger 22 hectare marsh. So far no studies have documented site-wide trends in elevation, plant species presence, and plant species dominance, which are needed for scaling up models of wetland response to sea-level rise. This data release documents three datasets collected in summer of 2016 in order to better quantify relationships between plant cover and elevation, to contextualize ongoing monitoring and experiments as well as support future planning at GCReW. First, we performed 48 hour occupations of four elevation monuments on the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center's campus, using total station GPS. This was done so that we could better reference marsh heights to North American Vertical Datum of 1988. One of these monuments was used as a base station for real-time kinematic GPS surveying. Second, we surveyed the bounds and elevations of long-term vegetation monitoring plots associated with the Tennembaum Marine Observatory Network. Third and finally we performed a 20 by 20 meter real time kinematic GPS elevation survey of the entire marsh, accompanied by Braun-Blaunquet avegetation survey to map the presence and relative dominance of wetland plant communities. These analysis data products provide valuable context to, and further research direction for, the temporally rich but spatially restricted plant and elevation data collected at GCReW over the last three decades.

Metadata Provider



  • James R  Holmquist  HolmquistJ@si.edu

Associated parties

  • James R  Holmquist  holmquistj@si.edu
  • Jefferson  Riera  jriera1@jhu.edu
  • Lisa  Schile-Beers  lisa.beers@silvestrum.com
  • J Patrick  Megonigal  megonigalp@si.edu


Temporal coverage

Start date End date
2016-06-06 2016-08-15

Geographic coverage

Taxonomic coverage

Rank name Value
Genus Amaranthus
Genus Distichlis
Genus Hibiscus
Genus Iva
Genus Kosteletzkya
Genus Phragmites
Genus Schoenoplectus
Genus Solidago
Genus Spartina
Genus Spartina
Genus Spartina
Genus Typha

Data tables

serc_benchmarks_total_station_2016.csv , Total Station Global Position System Occupation Results for four Elevation Benchmarks at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Physical: serc_benchmarks_total_station_2016.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
occupation_id Unique identifier for each of four 2 day long elevation benchmark occupations with total station GPS. a001 = TIDAL - By Telephone Pole a002 = FLUME a003 = TIDAL - DOCK a004 = SET 17 
northing Positional northing in Universal Transverse Mercater (UTM) zone 18N meter
easting Positional easting in Universal Transverse Mercater (UTM) zone 18N meter
elevation Elevation relative to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) as determined by GEOID12a. meter

gcrew_rtk_gps_2016.csv , 2016 Real-Time Kinematic Global Positioning System data for the Global Change Research Wetland

Physical: gcrew_rtk_gps_2016.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
point_index Unique integer for each elevation point of the summer indicating chronological order the survey points were collected in. dimensionless
survey_id Description of two elevation surveys completed during summer 2016. June 2016 TMON Survey = self explanitory July and August 2016 20m Grid Survey = self explanitory 
measurement_type Reason for dating elevation position. test = point represents a test of the equipment TMON vegetation plot = point represents a corner of a vegetatin plot observed as part of the Tennemaub Marine Observatory Network. Braun Blanquet vegetation plot = point represents a series of Braun Blanquet vegetation observations made across the marsh. marsh edge = point represents the edge of the marsh, taken opportunistically as convenient during the course of surveying. 
test_type Type of test. repeated boardwalk test = The test was part of a regular equipment check, measuring the same spot on a boardwalk adjacent to where the base station was set up. one off test = The point represents an in field test, or feature that was opportunistically surveyed, not assoicated with a vegetation plot, or regular equipment checks. 
transect_id One of three transects of vegetation plots associated with the Tennenbaum Marine Obesrvatory Network (TMON). g1 = GCREW site transect number 1. g2 = GCREW site transect number 2. g3 = GCREW site transect number 3. 
plot_id Integer indicating a unique plot number. dimensionless
corner For vegetation plots associated with the Tennenbaum Marine Obesrvatory Network (TMON), we surveyed each of four corners. dimensionless
replicate_id Unique integer for any points that were measured repeatedly, dimensionless
easting Positional easting in Universal Transverse Mercater (UTM) zone 18N meter
northing Positional northing in Universal Transverse Mercater (UTM) zone 18N meter
elevation Elevation relative to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) as determined by GEOID12a. meter
positional_notes Miscelaneous notes on positional measurement.

gcrew_braun_blanquet_2016.csv , 2016 Braun-Blanquet vegetation cover data for the Global Change Research Wetland

Physical: gcrew_braun_blanquet_2016.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
plot_id Integer indicating a unique plot number. dimensionless
bb_cover Braun Blonquet cover class. 0 = Cover represents a trace observation, <1% cover. 1 = 1-5% cover 2 = 5-25% cover 3 = 25-50% cover 4 = 50-75% cover 5 = 75-100% cover 
cover_type Species community or cover code associated with the cover class. Dead = Dead vegetation thatch. SCAM = Schoenoplectus americanus TYLA = Typha latifolia IVFR = Iva frutescens SPCY = Spartina cynosuroides BareOrWater = Either bare ground or open water. PHAU = Phragmites australis SPAL = Spartina alterniflora C4 = Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata mix KOVI = Kosteletzkya virginica AMAR = Amaranthus cannabinus Hibiscus = Hibiscus moscheutos SOSE = Solidago sempervirens Unknown = Species was unidentified in the filed, or undecipherable from field notes. 
height_min Minimum height of vegetation in plot. meter
height_max Maximum height of vegetation in plot. meter
cover_notes Miscelaneous notes on vegetation cover.

Custom units

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Intellectual Rights

This dataset is listed under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 and can be used with attribution. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/