Dataset: Carbon accumulation rates in a salt marsh over the past two millennia Authors: Nathan McTigue , Jenny Davis, Antonio Rodriguez, Brent McKee, Anna Atencio and Carolyn Currin Any use of this dataset must include a citation. The DOI: 10.25573/serc.11421063 The data release contains tidal wetland soil carbon profiles. The data itself is housed in four separate .csv files which can by joined by the core_id and/or site_id attributes. mctigue_et_al_2019_materials_and_methods.csv - Contains information on materials and methods broken down by study mctigue_et_al_2019_cores.csv - Contains positional and descriptive information on core locations. mctigue_et_al_2019_depthseries.csv - Contains raw depth-series information for all cores. mctigue_et_al_2019_species.csv - Contains information on the dominant plant species at coring locations. metadata.xml - Contains a full suite of descriptive metadata with all attribute and variables defined, units clarified, and geographic, temporal, and taxonomic coverages described according to Ecological Metadata Language Standards. metadata.html - Is a simplified, visual and interactive version of metadata.xml for display purposes. map.html - Is a map widget showing the geographic coverages described in the metadata. It can be accessed on its own or through metadata.html. custom.css - Contains display information for metadata.html. citations.bib - Citation for associated journal article and this data release in .BIB format.