Dataset: Increasing rates of carbon burial in southwest Florida coastal wetlands


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Rates of organic carbon (OC) burial in some coastal wetlands appear to be greater in recent years than they were in the past. Possible explanations include ongoing mineralization of older OC or the influence of an unaccounted-for artifact of the methods used to measure burial rates. Alternatively, the trend may represent real acceleration in OC burial. We quantified OC burial rates of mangrove and brackish marsh sites in southwest Florida through a comparison of rates derived from 210Pb, 137Cs, and surface marker horizons (MH). Age/depth profiles of lignin:OC were used to assess whether down-core remineralization had depleted the OC pool relative to lignin, and lignin phenols were used to quantify the variability of lignin degradation. OC burial rates increased in all seven cores by factors ranging from 1.4 to 6.2 over the past 120 years. We propose that these increases represent net acceleration. Change in relative sea-level rise is the most likely large-scale driver of acceleration, and sediment deposition from large storms can contribute to periodic increases. Mangrove sites had higher OC and lignin burial rates than interior marsh sites, indicating inherent differences in OC burial factors between the two habitat types. The higher OC burial rates in mangrove soils mean that their encroachment into interior, freshwater marshes has the potential to increase burial rates in those locations even more than might be expected from the acceleration trends. Regionally, these findings suggest that burial represents a substantially growing proportion of the coastal wetland carbon budget.

Metadata Provider



  • Joshua L.  Breithaupt

Associated parties

  • Joshua L.  Breithaupt 
  • Joseph M.  Smoak 
  • Thomas S.  Bianchi 
  • Derrick  Vaughn 
  • Christian J.  Sanders 
  • Kara R.  Radabaugh 
  • Michael J.  Osland 
  • Laura C.  Feher 
  • James C.  Lynch 
  • Donald R.  Cahoon 
  • Gordon H.  Anderson 
  • Kevin R.T.  Whelan 
  • Brad E.  Rosenheim 
  • Ryan P.  Moyer 
  • Lisa G.  Chambers 


Temporal coverage

Start date End date
2013-03-14 2017-05-23

Geographic coverage

Taxonomic coverage

Rank name Value
Species Avicennia germinans
Species Rhizophora mangle
Species Laguncularia racemosa
Species Conocarpus erectus
Species Cladium mariscus
Species Juncus roemerianus

Data tables

breithaupt_et_al_2020_methods_data , Methods information for study

Physical: breithaupt_et_al_2020_material_and_methods.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al.' if more than three, then publication year spearated by underscores. See worksCited.bib for more detail.
coring_method Code indicating what type of device was used to collect soil depth profiles. pvc and hammer = PVC pipe was driven into the sediment with a hammer to recover a core 
roots_flag Code indicating whether live roots were included or excluded from carbon assessments. roots and rhizomes included = Roots and rhizomes were included in dry bulk density and or organic matter and carbon measurements 
sediment_sieved_flag Code indicating whether or not sediment was sieved prior to carbon measurements. sediment not sieved = Sediment was not sieved prior to analysis for organics. 
compaction_flag Code indicating how the authors qualified or quantified compaction of the core. no obvious compaction = Authors observed no obvious compaction 
dry_bulk_density_temperature Temperature at which samples were dried to measure dry bulk density. This can include either samples that were freeze dried or oven dried. celsius
dry_bulk_density_time Time over which samples were dried to measure dry bulk density. hour
dry_bulk_density_1_cm_section_sample_volume Sample volume used for dry bulk density for a 1 cm soil section cubicCentimeter
dry_bulk_density_2_cm_section_sample_volume Sample volume used for dry bulk density for a 2 cm soil section cubicCentimeter
dry_bulk_density_flag Any notable codes regarding how the authors quantified dry bulk density. air dried to constant mass = Methodology specified that samples were air dried to a constant mass to constant mass = Bulk density methodology did not specify drying temperature or length, only that samples were dried to a constant mass 
loss_on_ignition_temperature Temperature at which samples were combusted to estimate fraction organic matter. celsius
loss_on_ignition_time Time over which samples were combusted to estimate fraction organic matter. hour
loss_on_ignition_1_cm_section_sample_volume Sample volume used for loss on ignition for a 1 cm soil section cubicCentimeter
loss_on_ignition_2_cm_section_sample_volume Sample volume used for loss on ignition for a 2 cm soil section cubicCentimeter
carbonates_removed Whether or not carbonates were removed prior to calculating fraction organic carbon. TRUE = Carbonates were removed before measuring organic carbon. 
carbonate_removal_method The method used to remove carbonates prior to measuring fraction carbon. acid fumigation = Carbonates were removed by fumigating with concentrated acid 
carbon_measured_or_modeled Code indicating whether fraction carbon was measured or estimated as a function of organic matter. measured = Fraction carbon was measured as opposed to modeled 
fraction_carbon_method Code indicating the method for which fraction carbon was measured or modeled (Note: regression based models are permitted, but the use of the Bemmelen factor [0.58 gOC gOM-1] is discouraged). EA = Each sample presented was measured using Elemental Analysis 
fraction_carbon_type Code indicating whether fraction_carbon refers to organic or total carbon. organic carbon = Author specified that fraction carbon measurements were of organic carbon 
cs137_counting_method Code indicating the method used for determining radiocesium activity. gamma = Gamma counting method used. 
pb210_counting_method Code indicating the method used for determining lead 210 activity. gamma = Gamma counting method used. 
excess_pb210_model Code indicating the model used to estimate excess lead 210. CRS = Constant rate of supply model used 
age_depth_model_reference Code indicating the reference or 0 year of the age depth model. core collection date = Year zero is set as the core's collection year. 

breithaupt_et_al_2020_core_data , Soil core information

Physical: breithaupt_et_al_2020_core.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al.' if more than three, then publication year spearated by underscores. See worksCited.bib for more detail.
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.
core_id Core identification code unique to each site.
core_date Date of core collection. YYYY-MM-DD
core_latitude Positional latitude of the core in decimal degree WGS84. degree
core_longitude Positional longitude of the core in decimal degree WGS84. degree
core_position_method Code indicating how latitude and longitude were determined. handheld = Conventional Commercially available hand-held GPS 
salinity_class Code based on submitter field observation or measurement indicating average annual salinity (Note: Palustrine and freshwater should only include tidal wetlands, or wetlands that are potentially/formerly tidal but artificially freshened due to artificial tidal restrictions). mesohaline = 5-18 ppt oligohaline = 0.5-5 ppt. 
salinity_method Indicate whether salinity_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement measurement = Salinity observed from local instrument. 
vegetation_class Code based on submitter field observations or measurement indicating dominant wetland vegetation type. emergent = Describes wetlands dominated by persistent emergent vascular plants forested = Describes wetlands dominated by woody vegetation > 5 meters in height forested to shrub = Dominated by forested to scrub/shrub biomass 
vegetation_method Indicate whether vegetation_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement measurement = Vegetation measured by counts or plots. 
core_length_flag Indicated whether or not the coring team believes they recovered a full sediment profile, down to bedrock, or other non-marsh interface. core depth represents deposit depth = Authors report that the depth of the core represents the depth of the wetland soil deposit 

breithaupt_et_al_2020_depthseries_data , Soil core depthseries information

Physical: breithaupt_et_al_2020_depthseries.csv
attribute name definition format, unit or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al.' if more than three, then publication year spearated by underscores. See worksCited.bib for more detail.
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.
core_id Core identification code unique to each site.
depth_min Minimum depth of a sampling increment. centimeter
depth_max Maximum depth of a sampling increment. centimeter
dry_bulk_density Dry mass per unit volume of a soil sample. This does not include ash free bulk density. gramsPerCubicCentimeter
fraction_organic_matter Mass of organic matter relative to sample dry mass. Ash free bulk density should not be used here but should be expressed as a loss on ignition fraction. dimensionless
fraction_organic_carbon Mass of organic carbon relative to sample dry mass. dimensionless
cs137_activity Radioactivity counts per unit dry weight for radiocesium (137Cs). disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
cs137_activity_se 1 standard error of uncertainty associated with cs137_activity. disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
total_pb210_activity Total radioactivity counts per unit dry weight for excess lead 210 (210Pb). disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
total_pb210_activity_se 1 standard error of uncertainty associated with total_pb210_activity. disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
ra226_activity Total radioactivity counts per unit dry weight for Radium 226 (226Ra) if measured as part of the 210Pb dating process. disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
ra226_activity_se 1 standard error of uncertainty associated with ra226_activity. disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
ra226_mda Minimum detectable activity for radium 226 measurements disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
excess_pb210_activity Excess radioactivity counts per unit dry weight for excess lead 210 (210Pb). disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
excess_pb210_activity_se 1 standard error of uncertainty associated with excess_pb210_activity. disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
excess_pb210_mda Minimum detectable activity for excess pb210 measurements disintegrationPerMinutePerGram
age Mean age at the bottom of the depth interval from submitter generated age depth model. Units are years prior to coring date. nominalYear
age_se Standard error of age estimate from submitter generated age depth model. nominalYear
date Date at bottom of the depth interval, calculated as coring date minus sample age. nominalYear
fraction_CaCO3 Mass of CaCO3 relative to sample dry mass. Calculated based on difference in mass loss between 550 degrees C and 990 degrees C LOI. dimensionless
fraction_total_nitrogen Mass of total nitrogen relative to sample dry mass. dimensionless
fraction_total_phosphorus Mass of total phosphorus relative to sample dry mass. dimensionless
fraction_total_lignin Mass of total lignin relative to sample dry mass dimensionless
delta_13C The isotopic signature of 13C, calculated as ((13C:12C in the sample):(13C:12C in standard)-1)x1000 perMille
delta_15N The isotopic signature of 15N, calculated as: ((15N:14N in the sample):(15N:14N in standard)-1)x1000 perMille
ratio_ad_al_vanillyls acid-to-aldehyde ratios of the vanillyl lignin phenol group dimensionless
ratio_ad_al_syringyls acid-to-aldehyde ratios of the syringyl lignin phenol group dimensionless
ratio_syringyls_vanillyls syringyl-to-vanillyl ratio of sample dry mass dimensionless
ratio_p-hydroxyls_vanillyls_plus_syringyls the ratio of p-hydroxyl phenols to the sum of vanillyls and syringyls dimensionless
ratio_PON_totalP_phenols the ratio of p-hydroxyacetophenone (PON) to total P phenols dimensionless
gamma_counting_sedmass Mass of sediment in gamma tubes used for gamma counting gram
cumulative_sedmass_atdepth cumulative mass of overlying sediment per square centimeter for each interval depth. Calculated relative to the sediment surface. gramPerSquareCentimeter
excess_pb210_inventory Cumulative inventory of excess Pb-210 for a given interval and all underlying intervals per square centimeter. disintegrationPerMinutePerSquareCentimeter
excess_pb210_inventory_se 1 standard error of uncertainty associated with excess_pb210_inventory. disintegrationPerMinutePerSquareCentimeter

Custom units

unit name parent SI unit unit type description
perMille amountOfSubstanceConcentration equivalent to parts per thousand
cubicCentimeter cubicMeter volume cubic centimeter
disintegrationPerMinutePerGram radionucleotideActivityPerMass disintegrations per minute per gram is a measure of the activity of the source of radioactivity
disintegrationPerMinutePerSquareCentimeter radionucleotideActivityPerVolume disintegrations per minute per square centimeter is a measure of the activity of the source of radioactivity
gramPerSquareCentimeter gramsPerSquareMeter massPerArealMassDensity grams per square meter per year

Other entities

Intellectual Rights

This dataset is listed under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 and can be used with attribution.