This contains the following files prepared by Dagoberto Venera-Pont—n 1) AllEchiura3.fas is the Echiura alignment. The bp from 1-571 are COI. The bp from 572-1048 are 16S. 2)ÊRAxML_bipartitions.Echiura_BStree.nwk is the Echiura output tree (before editing) in Newick format. 3)ÊAllPolygordius.fasÊ is the Polygordius alignment. The bp from 1-540 are COI. The bp from 541-880 are 16S.Ê 4)ÊRAxML_bipartitions.Polygordius_BStree.nwk is the Polygordius output tree (before editing) in Newick format.Ê 5) ChosenOweniidae4.ClustalX.fas is the COI alignment for Oweniids 6)ÊAllOweniidae.16S.fas is the 16S alignment for Oweniids