### Supplementary table S1 "supp.table1_rawpollencounts.csv" contains the raw counts of core 15-AM in a list format### ### The follwing script transforma the supplementary table file from a list to a matrix format (samples vs species) ### ###Copy and Paste this script at R### install.packages("reshape2") library(reshape2) getwd() #shows your directory ###Download the "Supplementary Table 1_rawcounts.csv" file at your computer and save the file at your directory### pollen<-read.csv("Supplementary Table 1_rawcounts.csv") counts <- dcast(pollen,formula = Section + Sample.label + Paleo.number + Depth.m. ~ TaxaID,value.var="Counts") ###Now you have the counts table### ###You can also save the matrix table into a csv format### write.csv(counts, file = "your directory/counts.csv")