
This project aims to investigate physical sedimentary and organic carbon (OC) characteristics of a recently restored (~11 years) wetland in San Francisco Bay to understand 1) the transition in soil properties immediately following restoration, 2) assess the return to functionality (i.e. has the wetland reached a new equilibrium, or remains in a transition phase), and 3) compare mass accumulation rates and OC burial pre- and post-restoration. This dataset contains results from 3 cores collected in 2018 from different habitat types in the wetland: mudflat (ELM1812-MFA1) cordgrass-dominated (ELM1812-SPA2), and pickleweed-dominated (ELM1812-PWA1). The data include bulk density, total organic matter (%TOM), organic carbon (%OC), nitrogen (%N), and sediment grain size (%Sand, %Silt, and %Clay). Sediment ages were determined from 210Pb data, modeled using the PLUM approach with the modeled ages verified using 137Cs data. All data was measured in 1-cm intervals for the full depth of each core, with core depths ranging from 30-35 cm.


This data release was assembled and published by the Coastal Carbon Research Coordination Network. Please direct any comments or inquiries to .


Temporal coverage

Start Date: 2018-12-18

End Date: 2018-12-18

Geographic coverage

Taxonomic coverage

Data Tables

Study materials and methods

Physical: Carlin_et_al_2021_materials_and_methods.csv

Soil core information

Physical: Carlin_et_al_2021_cores.csv

Soil core depthseries information

Physical: Carlin_et_al_2021_depthseries.csv

Study species information

Physical: Carlin_et_al_2021_species.csv

Anthropogenic impacts information

Physical: Carlin_et_al_2021_impacts.csv

Custom Units

Other Entities

Intellectual Rights

This dataset is listed under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 and can be used with attribution.