The Smithsonian Institution
readme for Arrow-DART.docx (751.01 kB)
Arrow syringe_manual + DART_rotate.ems (58.94 kB)
spme block 2.8.ems (40.4 kB)
spme block 2.5 cap arrow.ems (25.47 kB)
spme actuator mount.ems (25.8 kB)
spme-dart-vapur shutter vane.ems (13.23 kB)
6 files

SPME-DART Interface and Multi-slot Syringe for Arrow Fiber

online resource
posted on 2023-06-04, 00:10 authored by G. Asher NewsomeG. Asher Newsome

1. eMachineShop CAD files for four components of a desorption and sampling system for joining a DART probe, Vapur interface, and SPME Arrow fiber syringe in a Restek injection guide

2. Assembly instructions in a readme document

3. eMachineShop CAD file for a replacement Arrow syringe with: multiple slots on one side for discrete DART desorption; multiple slots on the opposite side for manual sampling to the same positions on the fiber; and a channel to rotate the plunger set screw between sides


Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute federal funds

Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Program
